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Brescia University 2019 Spring Academic Dean’s List

The following students from Brescia University were named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List for completing at least 12 credit hours with a 3.5-4.0 GPA. 肯塔基·奥本:德文·罗奇, Junior, Social Work; Bardstown: Savannah Jackson, Sophomore, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Daniel Steele, Senior, Business: Emphasis in Finance and Economics; Beaver Dam: Camryn Segers, Sophomore, Undecided;…


Brescia University awarded degrees at the RiverPark Center on May 4, 2019. The following students received degrees as indicated: Associate of Arts (A.A.理学副学士(理学学士.S.文学士(学士学位.A.理学士(理学学士.S.社会工作学士(B.S.W.工商管理硕士(硕士.B.A.管理学硕士(管理学硕士.S.M)社会工作硕士……

The Intersection of Social Work and Advocacy

The Intersection of Social Work and Advocacy Helping others is a cornerstone of effective social work practice. 无论是在个人层面还是在社区层面, social workers can make a real impact in terms of public health and quality of life. One of the most important ways social workers achieve these improvements is through advocacy. According…

5 Careers Outside Politics With a Political Science Degree

If you are looking to enter politics, a political science degree is a natural choice. 接受过政治学教育, 教育事业, business, 新闻和法律都在你的掌握范围之内. According to the American Political Science Association (APSA), dozens of careers outside politics exist for people with a bachelor’s degree in political science.…


Professionals can enter higher education at various degree levels; use instructional formats Making the decision to earn a college degree is monumental in the scheme of your life and career goals. However, with so many choices in degree offerings, it can sometimes seem overwhelming. The next time someone says that you should just earn a…

Understanding Personal Safety for Social Workers

Social workers intervene in the lives of clients at pivotal moments of change or crisis. While the goal of social work is to improve those moments and maintain the well-being of all parties involved, violence towards social workers can occur in agencies and in the field. Though most clients who social workers engage with will…

Top 10 Reasons for Leaving a Job: What Managers Should Know

As a manager, the departure of an employee can be a stressful time. 这一事件意味着生产力的降低, extra time and energy spent seeking a replacement, and even uncovering difficult truths about the work environment they’ve left. While employees leave jobs for a variety of reasons, it’s crucial for managers to understand those considered most…


For ordinary people to effectively build systems of change, strategic and cooperative work is often necessary. 进入社区组织. As a field concerned with generating grassroots political power, it is and continues to be a primary method for individuals, neighborhoods and the public at large to fulfill collective unmet needs. 社区组织被定义为……


Employees, managers and executives should share a common goal: improve how the workplace operates. Improving operations doesn’t always mean by increasing sales or strategizing the organizations’ next business move. Sometimes, it can mean focusing on employee engagement and satisfaction, both of which depend on ethical topics and can lead to enhanced performance. 许多组织理解……


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a common neurological condition that affects about 1 in 59 children, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 美国报告的自闭症病例数量.S. children has more than doubled from 2004 to 2014. Initially, autism was described as a rare childhood disorder,…